How to Import MS Excel spreadsheet into MySQL using PHPmyadmin

This is How to Import MS Excel spreadsheet into MySQL using PHPmyadmin.

  1. Create the table in your mySQL database with the same number of fields as the excel spreadsheet
  2. Now Delete the Column titles on your Excel Spreadsheet
  3. Save Excel file as ‘CSV’ (go to File, Save as in MSExcel )
  4. Now Click on ‘Import’ in your Table View (in PHPAdmin)
  5. Now browse to your ‘CSV’ file and select it for import
  6. Now check the radio button at the bottom: ‘CSV using LOAD DATA’ and then under options do the following
  7. Leave the first two boxes: ‘Replace table data with file’ AND ‘Ignore duplicate rows’ BLANK!
  8. Now put a comma at ‘Fields terminated by’;
  9. Leave ‘Fields enclosed by’ AND ‘Fields escaped by’ BLANK
  10. For ‘Lines terminated by’ leave ‘auto’ in the box there as it is
  11. For the ‘Column names’ type in the column names as in your mySQL database table, seperated by commas, with NO spaces!
  12. Now Click ‘Go’ and you are done!

Hope this helps you in your efforts to create a mysql database.