This is How to Import MS Excel spreadsheet into MySQL using PHPmyadmin.
- Create the table in your mySQL database with the same number of fields as the excel spreadsheet
- Now Delete the Column titles on your Excel Spreadsheet
- Save Excel file as ‘CSV’ (go to File, Save as in MSExcel )
- Now Click on ‘Import’ in your Table View (in PHPAdmin)
- Now browse to your ‘CSV’ file and select it for import
- Now check the radio button at the bottom: ‘CSV using LOAD DATA’ and then under options do the following
- Leave the first two boxes: ‘Replace table data with file’ AND ‘Ignore duplicate rows’ BLANK!
- Now put a comma at ‘Fields terminated by’;
- Leave ‘Fields enclosed by’ AND ‘Fields escaped by’ BLANK
- For ‘Lines terminated by’ leave ‘auto’ in the box there as it is
- For the ‘Column names’ type in the column names as in your mySQL database table, seperated by commas, with NO spaces!
- Now Click ‘Go’ and you are done!
Hope this helps you in your efforts to create a mysql database.